Wednesday, 19 November 2008 LAUNCHES

Hey everyone. It's all been a bit quiet on the Jukebox front and thats because I've been working on a new project with me pals Ashley Norris and Sean Hannam.

After spending months recording our weekly PopJunkie Episodes we have finally put together a site. Ladies and Gentlemen I welcome you to!

In spite of the infantile nature of some of the posts, we are just about grown up enough to know what we like. So, if you like 60s beat and psych bands, cheesy listening crooners, earnest 80s indie miserabilists, glam French girl singers and Shed Seven – you have just discovered your favourite new site.

As well as loads of features, album reviews, top tens etc we’ll also be doing our fortnightly vidcast which will feature the delightful Victoria basically ripping the piss out of the less than delightful Sean. The old episodes are on the site too. My favourite is the one in which Sean and I do a pastiche of the Rolling Stones / Marianne Faithful Redlands bust

The original PopJunkie site featured loads of piss-takey reviews of ‘lost classic albums,‘ where we championed The Bay City Rollers over The Ramones and Cliff Richard over Elvis. We have put them on the site too, just don’t take them too seriously.

Anyhow hope you enjoy PopJunkie both the vidcast and the site.

Also please feel free to join us on Facebook and Myspace.

Here is our latest vid where we are proper fed up with all this reunion nonsense:

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